Introducing METACIL Pocket by Sun-Star


Introducing METACIL Pocket by Sun-Star

Each Metacil Pocket includes a faux leather pen cover, ensuring that your pen lead stays clean and protected from any dirt or damage caused by the pen case or other items✨

The lead allows you to write up to 16 kilometers without needing to be sharpened. If you ever require a replacement lead, you can conveniently purchase them from our online store.

每支Metacil Pocket都配有仿皮製的筆套,讓你好好保護筆芯,且不會弄髒筆袋或其他隨身物✨ 筆芯的神奇之處在於不用刨筆也能書寫長達16公里,如需更換筆芯的話亦可於TEN網店加購喔~

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Paul Lam