NEW IN ✨ Desk Note by Craft Design Technology


This narrow and compact Desk Note is specially designed for office workers. It can be put next to your laptop or in front of the keyboard for jotting things down and it doesn't take up too much space on the desk.

Additionally, it comes with a perforated design, which allows you to tear off easily to pass a message to your colleages. 😎

Made in Japan
Size: 90 x 50 x 8mm
Inside pages: 3mm white and green grid sheet / 128 pages

\ 新入荷✨ / 日本品牌Craft Design Technology: Desk Note

這本窄長小巧的Desk Note專為上班一族而設計,方便用家放在筆電旁或鍵盤前快速寫下筆記,也不會佔用桌面太大的空間。


尺寸: 90 x 50 x 8毫米
內頁: 3毫米白綠色方格 / 128頁

#MakeStationeryAlive #TEN #stationery #TENstationery#Desknote #Notebook #Design #MadeInJapan #Japan#Minimal #CraftDesignTechnology #Office #Work #Gift #Idea#Handwriting #Lifestyle #Minimalist #日本 #日本製 #簡約 #文具 #設計 #文房具 #禮物提案 #禮物 #筆記本

Paul Lam