Perfect sharp cuts by Craft Design Technology


✂️ Assembled and refined by Japanese artisan, these pairs of stainless steel scissors may seem slightly heavier compared to a pair of regular scissors but their blades are designed for getting precise and perfect sharp cuts. A lot of thoughts have gone into the design process like many other Japanese designs do, these scissors are designed to be used with both left and right hands. It also comes with silver and matte black, which makes it a beautiful and practical addition to have on your working desk. 💗

✂️ 經由日本職人組裝、調整、研磨的剪刀,外型剛強,更帶有幾何風格。這款不鏽鋼剪刀拿起來比一般剪刀更有重量,冰冷的質感配上鋒利十分的刀刃,令使用的一刻更富有儀式感。手柄形狀更特意設計成左、右手兼用,一貫日本設計貼心的作風。共有霧黑色和銀色可選擇,既低調又充滿設計感,增添在桌面上肯定是賞心悅目。💗

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Paul Lam