HANG-ON Mechanism

HANG-ON: Ballpoint Pen

By pushing downward the button on the side, you will have the ballpoint tip coming out and the hook unlocked at the same time. This special mechanism means you can simply "Unlock and Write"!

HANG-ON: 圓珠筆

您只需向下推動側面的按鈕,掛扣開啟,筆芯同時伸出,簡單地Unlock and Write! 書寫完畢,向上輕輕一推按鈕,筆芯便會收起,而掛扣隨即鎖上,動作一體自然。

🏆 “HANG-ON” is the winner of:
- Red Dot Design Award (2016)
- Gold Award of HKSGDA (2016)
- German Design Award (2018)


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